Category:St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Moltke Township, MN

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St. Peter's Lutheran Church
St. Peter's Lutheran Church Moltke Township MN 100 year Anniversary Book (9) - cropped.jpg
* Jaus side of the family |

Brief History

Jacob Baur

1890 - Jacob preaches for the corner stone laying of St. Peter's new church building. <ref></ref>

Pastor Jacob Frey was called to serve St. Peter's on Oct. 4, 1884. His salary was to be $300 annually plus housing, oats, and hay.

At the annual meeting, January 2, 1884, Simon Jaus offered the lumber for a parsonage and a barn, to be cut at his father's timber lot at Hamburg, MN. The only charge to the congregation would be the sawing and transportation. This offer was accepted with thanks.

1889 congregational meeting minutes. Pastor Frey recieved permission to conduct services in Gibbon, which led to the establishment of Immanuel Lutheran Church, Gibbon, MN. He also conducted services in the vicinity of Buffalo Lake and the Hector area but results did not justify the continuation. Pastor Frey also served at St. Matthew's, Round Grove Township, MN as vacancy pastor.

The "Klingelbreutel Guild," money gathered at services in a bag hung on a long pole, should be used for these purposes: One half for fuel, the other half for missions.

At Mission Festival on July 4, 1887, a meal was served at midday; coffee and sugar were paid from the treasury.<ref>St. Peter's Anniversary book</ref>

Important Facts


St. Peter's Lutheran School, Moltke Township, MN


St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Moltke Township, MN/100th Anniversary Book

St. John’s Lutheran Church Motlke Township Notes

St. John’s Lutheran Church is a small white church located in Moltke Township, MN. This is the congregation where many of my Jaus relatives grew up. This is the church where many were married and where many are buried. This where Uncle Tony will be buried.

St. Peter’s is the legacy left by our ancenstors. More imporstantly, the Gospel message is the true legacy. Their 100 year anniversary book contains many familiar names.

I read St. Peter’s 100 year Anniversary Book last evening. It has such a rich past. There are so many names which I recognize from my youth. Many names I recognize as a result of working on my Cowtales project.

I’m going to start with Simon Jaus. I knew he came to America with a man named Christian Buerkle. Christian was a founding father of St. James. It turns out Buerkle is the maiden name of our very own Lois L. Bode.

There really are to many familiar names to mention them all. There are names of cousins, uncles, grandparents and extended family.

Uncle Tony is mentioned multiple times. Uncle Roman Jaus is listed as an Elder. The Meyers who settled in Courtland are buried in St. Peter’s cemetary.

This is the church where Uncle Tony and Aunt Marvel Vorwerk were married. It is where will also be buried; Uncle Tony this weekend.

Hannah Lieske & Ladies' Aid

100 years ago our St Peter's Ladies Aid had its beginning with several women meeting at the home of Mrs Henry Buerkle. We want to celebrate this event so have been going thru old books reading minutes and Hannah Jaus name has come up so made a note of some events for you.

Johanna Jaus is on the 1922 membership list.

July 6 1924-The Ladies Aid met on July 6,1924 at the home of Hannah Jaus. At that meeting Hanna Jaus, Dorathea Buerkle, Ottilia Ruschmeyer, Martha Sievert & Emma Grewe were named to the entertainment committee for a Bazaar they were going to have on Aug 24.

Hannah Jaus was elected president Jan 8,1928 and re-elected Jan 7.1929.

Resolved to clean church on the Wed before Pentecost. Minnie Uetzman will furnish the coffee, Hannah Jaus will bring the cream and Agnes Friedrichs will cook the coffee.

Nov 3,1929-Hannah Jaus was asked to inquire about getting a rug to be placed in front of the altar.

Jan 5,1930-Helen Dreier elected President.

Oct 5,1930- Resolved that we sew several quilts for Hannah Jaus for which she will pay us 1¢ per yard of thread. The current president resigned. It was decided to vote by ballot for a new one. Hannah Jaus was elected.

Nov 2,1930 - We decided to do the quilting for the quilts for Mrs. Jaus and the Children's Friend Society in Hannah Jaus' home.

Hannah Jaus elected president again Jan 4,1931 and Jan 3 1932.

Ida Bentz, my Grandma, was elected President Jan 3,1933. Feb meeting the President thanked Hannah Jaus for all her services rendered during her term in office.

May 27,1934 Louisa and Hannah Jaus served.

Dec 2,1934-Resolved: To send cookies to the Orphanage in Minneapolis for Christmas and Hannah Jaus will take them along when she goes to Minneapolis on Dec 6th.

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