Category:Claire Baur

From CowTales

Claire Louise Baur

Short Biography







  • Claire Baur: I was at high school and remember hearing the Mount St. Helen's eruption. The boys (Ron and Paul) sold ash at my graduation. Entrepreneurs at its best!

I hate milk. Always have always will, except on sugar cereal. Remember the days you guys poured it down my throat with a funnel.

Claire Comes Home

  • What do you on Christmas Day? We emptied some filing cabinets to send the cabinets home with our kids. We threw away a ton of obsolete files, but the ones containing history stayed. It always seems such a waste to keep some things, but when the interest is there it is fun to look back. Here were some pictures mom Lyla Baur had run off but were turning bright pink through age so we took pictures of them and turned them black and white. It is not super clear but history is captured in three generations of Clara Baur, Ralph Baur and Claire Baur Doelger. I believe dad was 41 at this time and I see Brother Ron Baur in his face and smirk. The other is Claire as a baby being looked at somewhat fondly by Jim Baur, Al Baur, Marty Baur, and Kathryn Scharrer. I am sure Kathryn was the most excited!<ref>Claire Baur Doelger collection via FB</ref>
  • Ramona Potter: You just "see Ron in his face"? Girl, if you hadn't said something I would flat out think it WAS Ron. Just like Kathryn is Grandma Hannah. And our son is Gene. Isn't genetics an amazing thing? Sometimes it's siblings, sometimes next immediate generations, and sometimes it's pick and choose within extended family trees. Fun to look thru old pics to find those Wow! moments. <ref>Moni Potter FB post</ref>.

Blog Post

On this day in history, Sept 16th 128 years ago today a 28 year old woman lay on a bed in the parsonage of Immanuel Lutheran Church in La Crescent, MN. The parsonage was the upstairs floor of the church. The woman was Great-grandma Klara Schneider Hinderer. She was in labor. There is no record of the time. We do know it was a Sunday. Did her husband, Pastor Paul Hinderer have to be downstairs preaching? Could the membership hear her agonies of childbirth? We don't know. What we do know is she gave birth to her first daughter, my Grandma Clara Hinderer Baur, who would be baptised by her father. It was the core of the 2nd industrial revolution. Grover Cleveland was president. The US flag was adorned with only 38 stars. Barcelona Spain was hosting it's first World's Fair. New wonders were on exhibition. Things which the young preacher couldn't have fathomed. Things were good for the family, though. He had just gotten his first horse and buggy for $125; a whole year's salary. Little did they realize the event which would eclipse a future World's Fair. Fast forward to the year 1962. John F. Kennedy was the president. The US flag now boasted 50 stars. Another World's Fair was in full swing. There was talk of putting a man on the moon. A “flying saucer” restaurant, The Seattle Space Needle, soared to an amazing height of 301 feet! A new concept in high speed transportation, the monorail, whisked people to the fairgrounds at neck breaking speed. Grandma was not about to be left behind. The 74 year old woman went to the fair. She went often. She couldn't drive. The city bus and that awesome monorail were her mode of travel. It is hard to imagine that the horse and buggy of her youth had been a luxury. As big of spectacle as the fair was, another event was happening. Once again it was taking place in a parsonage. A parsonage located in Mountlake Terrace. An event taking place on a Sunday! Grandma's daughter-in-law, my Mom was in labor. Claire Louise Baur was born, not at home, but at a hospital located in Seattle. She was born on Grandma's birthday. I can imagine Grandma was as anxious as Mom and Dad; would she have a grandchild born on her birthday? I never knew for sure, but I think Claire is named after Grandma. Back in those days the rules of hospitals was very different than now days. The only way a kid got into a hospital is if he/she was the patient! I remember going to the hospital to see Mom and my new baby sister. My siblings and I stood on the lawn outside the hospital window. Mom stood inside a window, holding up her new precious bundle of joy. I was three and really couldn't understand why everybody else was so excited about this new addition to the family. Just as Great-grandpa Hinderer had baptized his infant daughter Clara, my Dad baptised his new infant daughter Claire. Great-grandma's great-granddaughter was made a child of God. What a special event, to be baptised by your father. Our Great-grandparents didn't leave us a legacy of money and wealth. The legacy they left us is sooo much more. It is a legacy Claire has passed on to her children and grandchildren. What an awesome responsibility. Claire is a great sister. Her husband is my favorite brother-in-law on the Doelger side of the family! :-) She may be a Doelger, but inside Claire is all Hinderer and Baur. What an awesome combination. Happy Birthday, Claire! You have been a blessing to many people. Thanks for being a part of my life.

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References <references/> Family Histories: Harms -- Jaus -- Lieske -- Hinderer -- Baur --

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