Category:Alvina Emma Lieske

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Alvina Emma Lieske
Baur - Jaus - Lieske History Binder - 040.jpg

Short Biography


Myrtle Jaus

August was a carpenter by trade and they resided in Winthrop, MN their entire married life. Our mother, Hannah Lieske, lived with them while attending Normal School. We loved to visit at their house because Aunt Alvina always saved the funnies from the Sunday paper for us to look at. It was something we did not have at home. The minute we arrived we'd head directly for the buffet where she kept them, spread them - and us - out on the floor. We were glued to the the entire time.

Phyllis Mickelson told me of an incident that happened while her mother, Aunt Polly, was helping Aunt Alvina with some cleaning. They were washing the good china, setting the washed dishes on a drop leaf table. The drop leaf did just what the name implied, it dropped. The dishes went crashing to the floor.

Aunt Alvina suffered from Coronary Disease, which was the cause of a leg amputation in her later years. She had pared her corns, cut too deep, and due to poor circulation, an infection set in. She failed to mention this to anybody until the infection had spread too far, necessitating the amputation.

Her health failing, her last wish was to go "home" to die. Her wish was granted, and she was taken to Henderson, MN where faithful Aunt Rose cared for her until the time of her death at age 89.

Uncle August suffered a fatal Heart Attack at age 85 while shoveling snow. The following incident was related to me by Karen, Louis' wife, and is rather sad. Their son, who was a toddler, came to her and said, "Grandpa no play peek-a-boo with me." It had been a favorite game of theirs, and suddenly Grandpa didn't play anymore. (Visitations were still held in the home at that time.)

The library table which is still in the Roman Jaus home, was made for Hannah by Louis while he was in high school.<ref> source:Lieske History</ref>

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References <references/> Family Histories: Harms -- Jaus -- Lieske -- Hinderer -- Baur --

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