Chicago Great Western Railway

From CowTales

View information about this location on Wikipedia at: Wikipedia: Chicago Great Western Railway

Railway Schedule from 1906 newspaper

1906 Newspaper add seeking railway brakemen and fireman. One of the Jaus brothers worked for the railway ( I think others too), so this connection could be interesting.
1906 - Chicago Great Western Railway letter of recommendation.jpg


1906 - Chicago Great Western Railway letter of recommendation

Chicago Great Western Railway Office of Division Freight and Passenger Agent

E.R. Beem - Division Freight and Passenger Agent Red Wing, Minn March 26, 1906


The bearer, Miss Klara Hinderer, has been employed as Clerk and Stenographer in this office for the past six months. Miss Hinderer has proven herself a very valuable assistant and is an exceptionally bright young lady. It gives me much pleasure to recommend her services to any who may desire the same. She has resigned of her own free will with a view to securing a more lucrative position.

E. R. Beem




  • The motto of the railway is "The Great Steel-Rail Highway For Freight and Passenger Traffic"
  • TO WHOM HANDED:- is a unique salutation. Note the :- punctuation. I have noticed this is quite common in the old letters.

Jim Baur (talk) 09:37, 21 April 2017 (CDT)

source: Clara Hinderer Baur collection.