Charlie Schweiss

From CowTales

Charlie Schweiss


*Myrtle Jaus

The Lieske family would not be complete without some mention of Charlie Schweiss. Charlie was an orphan who came to the Lieske household as a hired hand at the age of 18 when Uncle Earney had to leave for the armed forces in 1918 during WWI. Charlie was born in 1900. He was a very quiet individual, but seemed to enjoy children. He always had some candy for us when we visited the grandparents. I don't think he ever joined the group in the living room to visit, but would quietly sit at the kitchen table reading the paper. He made the trip to Henderson every Sunday morning to pick up the paper. Poor Charlie must have been bald at an early age, because I never knew him any other way. He did not have a single hair on his head. He was the owner of a wig, which he seldom wore, that resembled a rat's nest. If I were an artist, I could still site down and make a sketch of Charlie. Charlie was a right hand man to Aunt Rose in her later years. She made the remark to Marvel at one time that she wished she had a "Nigger-mammy" to help her. Marvel told her that she had one, and that his name was Charlie. She had to agree, but said she had never thought of him that way. Guess she just took him for granted. For some reason Charlie refused to go to church, but Aunt Rose said he read his Bible faithfully and was well versed in it. He remained with Aunt Rose and Uncle Albert until the time of his death October 14, 1974.

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References <references/> Family Histories: Harms -- Jaus -- Lieske -- Hinderer -- Baur --

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