Valerie Zummach

From CowTales

Valerie Zummach
1974 - Val Zummach with parents - Confirmation at St. John's Cedar Mills.JPG

Short Biography

Val is the Great-great-grand daughter of the first past at St. John's Lutheran Church, Cedar Mills, MN. She was confirmed in 1974. Val has been an exciting connection between the Baur family and St. John's.

Timeline of Life Events

1974 Confirmation

1974 - Val Zummach with parents - Confirmation at St. John's Cedar Mills.JPG


Valerie Zummach with her parents at her confirmation in 1974 at St. John's Lutheran Church, Cedar Mills, MN.

source:Valerie Zummach Murphy collection.
1974 - Al Baur, Clara Baur, James Baur at Val Zummach confirmation at St Johns Cedar Mills.jpg


1974 - Alan Baur, Clara Baur, and James Baur at Valerie Zummach confirmation at St. John's Lutheran Church, Cedar Mills, MN.

source:Valery Zummach Murphy collection.




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References <references/> Family Histories: Harms -- Jaus -- Lieske -- Hinderer -- Baur --

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