Ralph Baur Black Photo Album/The early years

From CowTales

< Ralph Baur Black Photo Album


Ralph Baur Black Photo Album (1).jpg


source:Clare Hinderer Baur collection

Page 002) 1922 - Baby Ralph on the changing table

Ralph Baur Black Photo Album (2).jpg

  • I assume in Hutchinson MN.
  • Judging from the white enamel wash bowl in the back I would say it is bath time.
  • Becky Foster: "He looks like Ruth's Isaiah in that bottom picture."
  • Jim Baur: "There are some where I think he looks like John!"
  • Bethany Barthel: "I didn't think know they took pictures like this back then."

source:Clara Hinderer Baur collection

Page 003) 1922 - Baby Ralph and his Clara Hinderer Baur

Ralph Baur Black Photo Album (3).jpg

1922 May 16 - Clara Hinderer Baur holding Ralph Baur  age 3 and a half months old - taken in Cedar MIlls MN <ref>A different picture had this written on the back</ref>

source:Clare Hinderer Baur collection

Page 004) 1922 - Baby Ralph and his Grandpa and Grandma Hinderer

Ralph Baur Black Photo Album (4).jpg

  • Alfed and Ralph
  • Paul Hinderer, Klara Schneider holding Ralph, Alfred Baur
  • Paul Hinderer, Clara Baur, Klara Schneider holding Ralph.
  • Ages: Paul=59, Klara=62, Alfred=34, Clara=39

Alan or Ron used to always ask where we (the Baur kids) "got the big schnoz (nose)." This picture gives a clue. Great-grandpa Paul Hinderer has a rather fine looking nose. Now look at Great-grandma Klara. It looks awfully familiar. I think we are the proud owners of a Schneider nose!

source:Clare Hinderer Baur collection

Page 05) 1922 - Emanuel Hinderer - Ralph Baur in Cloth's Basket

Ralph Baur Black Photo Album (5).jpg


Jim Baur on FB: "Does anybody have an idea who this might be or what side of the family. I don't recognize the man with the armful of "Cubie Dolls." It appears to be in conjunction with a visit from Paul and Klara, or to a visit..."

Rosemarie Hinderer on FB: "This looks like John's Dad" (Emanuel)

Joan Eskew on FB: "I was thinking that too, Rosemarie."

source:Clare Hinderer Baur collection

Page 006) 1922 Ralph Baur

Ralph Baur Black Photo Album (6).jpg


This looks like Cedar Mills, MN landscape so I assume this is Dad.

source:Clare Hinderer Baur collection

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Ralph Baur Black Photo Album (7).jpg


source:Clare Hinderer Baur collection

Page 008) Alfred, Clara Ralph and Boozie at Cedar Mills, MN

Ralph Baur Black Photo Album (8).jpg


The dog is a Pitbull.

source:Clare Hinderer Baur collection

Page 009) Alfred teaching Ralph how to smoke a piple

Ralph Baur Black Photo Album (9).jpg


source:Clare Hinderer Baur collection

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Ralph Baur Black Photo Album (10).jpg


source:Clare Hinderer Baur collection

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Ralph Baur Black Photo Album (11).jpg


source:Clare Hinderer Baur collection

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Ralph Baur Black Photo Album (12).jpg


source:Clare Hinderer Baur collection

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Ralph Baur Black Photo Album (13).jpg


source:Clare Hinderer Baur collection

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Ralph Baur Black Photo Album (14).jpg


Ralph and Alfred Baur. This was likely taken after Hutchinson's big snow storm of 1924.

source:Clare Hinderer Baur collection

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Ralph Baur Black Photo Album (15).jpg


source:Clare Hinderer Baur collection

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Ralph Baur Black Photo Album (16).jpg


source:Clare Hinderer Baur collection

Page 017) St. John's Lutheran Church's 1925 4th of July Picnic

Ralph Baur Black Photo Album (17).jpg


The house is St. John's parsonage.

1925 - St. John's Lutheran Church, Cedar Mills, MN - Fourth of July Celebration newspaper clipping.jpg

source:Clare Hinderer Baur collection

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Ralph Baur Black Photo Album (18).jpg


source:Clare Hinderer Baur collection

Page 019) Alfred Baur in his horse buggy

Ralph Baur Black Photo Album (19).jpg


source:Clare Hinderer Baur collection

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Ralph Baur Black Photo Album (20).jpg


source:Clare Hinderer Baur collection

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Ralph Baur Black Photo Album (21).jpg


source:Clare Hinderer Baur collection

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Ralph Baur Black Photo Album (22).jpg


source:Clare Hinderer Baur collection

Page 023) Ralph Baur with big black sheep

Ralph Baur Black Photo Album (23).jpg


source:Clare Hinderer Baur collection

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