Pearl Harbor

From CowTales


Lyla Baur

My recollection of that fact, told the ff. to Rodewalds at church today who asked me the same question..... ......I was 11 years old, it was a Sunday eve and we had company. We were saying goodbye to cousins...the Alfred Lieske family....and for whatever reason must have turned on the radio and heard that the Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor. We were standing in the NW area of the dining room, they putting on their coats. That's it! I'll have to ask Marvel what her recollections are.

When Dad and I went to Pearl Harbor in the mid-80's and took the tour, the guide mentioned that he was in the military and on a ship that was to enter Pearl Harbor Saturday night, but it was like THE HAND OF GOD that wouldn't permit them to enter. He said it was like a strong wind and yet it wasn't. Some years later, I read a very similar account by another fellow. There were several ships that the Lord kept from entering Pearl Harbor.

A Japanese fellow came to the Edmonds parsonage in the 80's, even though I do not recall the purpose of his stopping. The conversation included his relating that he was a kid and in one of the internment camps that many SEA people were sent to in Idaho and Oregon and what a good time he had with all the kids there.<ref>2016 email</ref>

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