Category:Karla Jean Jaus

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Karla Jean Jaus

Short Biography

  • Karla"s 1st husband,David Langr ,was killed in a gyrocopter accident.

Timeline of Life Events

  • Confirmation
    • Karla Tate: ours was the Lutheran hymnal with our name printed on the cover.




  • Karla Tate: The Jaus cousins came to Washington for Martin's confirmation and your folks brought us to the ocean. It made a huge impact on us, seeing the ocean and clamming, camping, being served liquid cherry jello (we were very impressed) and thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience.
  • I do recall after coming to your home and your mom had prepared the clams for us to eat. Your brother, Martin, dared us to eat oysters. He explained that you threw them in the fire to make sure they were dead and then opened them and gulped them down. Not ever being exposed to oysters and being the ripe age of around 6, when I looked in the shell, it looked like guts. I was horrified and mesmerized when he slurped those gross and slimy insides down in one gulp and gave is a very satisfied grin afterward. Suffice to say, we left the oysters for the Baurs. 😜
  • Your mom, Auntie Mutz, also served us salmon, which was delicious as our main fish was bullheads and sunfish. She also made us crepes, which we'd never had before; pretty impressive as she made them for quite a group and much more labor intensive than pancakes. She was a good hostess and it seems it made an impression that I've thought on these things numerous times over the past 50 years; perhaps the extra efforts and details are worth it in the makings of memories. ❤

Related Links


References <references/> Family Histories: Harms -- Jaus -- Lieske -- Hinderer -- Baur --

Genealogy Sites

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