1926 - August Schneider Death News Articles

From CowTales

1926 - August Schneider Death News Articles.jpg

source: Clara Hinderer collection.

I am not sure what relationship August Schneider is. He isn't Klara Schneider's dad, who was also a school teacher.

Heilbronn, 5. Juli 1926


With deep sorrow, we inform our friends and acquaintances the tedious news that my dear and faithful husband, our dear brother and brother-in-law, my dear fatherly friend August Schneider, senior teacher, by a sudden death and was snatched away.

In deep sadness:

Marie Schneider born. Sauber

Mrs. Metzger: Main teacher in Weissbach.

The funeral will take place on Monday, 5 July, after 3 o'clock in front of the funeral home.

Senior teacher August Schneider Deceased

Yesterday morning, Senior Teacher died unexpectedly quickly. August Schneider at the age of 60 years. The deceased, who had been working as a teacher in Heilbronn since 1906 and for the last 6 years at the local boys' middle school, suffered an internal injury (renal fracture) yesterday in the gym class, which resulted in internal bleeding. An immediate operation had resulted in his death, which was immediately due to cardiac arrest. The deceased was in good health and was a restless teacher who devoted himself to gymnastics lessons with particular joy.

Funeral of Senior Teacher Schneider

Accompanied by a large mourning community, Senior Teacher Schneider, who had been so ravaged by death, was buried yesterday. After a choral singing of the teacher's singing club, the Parish Priest Völter didn't write anything down delivered the eulogy based on the Bible words: "Blessed are the servants, whom the Lord finds watchful, as he cometh." He emphasized the deceased's modesty, love for the youth, and special sense for religion.

Goller, the schoolmaster, gave the devotee wonderful words of thanks for his 40 years of faithful and fruitful work. He also mentioned that the deceased was a man worthy of the highest respect. He was not only a studious and very ambitious teacher, but also laid several wreaths:

Göhring was school master and also represented the teacher's singing club, who sang "Silent sleeps the singer" <ref>Here Sleeps The Bard. by Thomas Moore Here sleeps the Bard who knew so well, All the sweet windings of Apollo's shell; Whether its music rolled like torrents near. Or died, like distant streamlets, on the ear. Sleep, sleep, mute bard; alike unheeded now, The storm and zephyr sweep thy lifeless brow; That storm, whose rush is like thy martial lay; That breeze which, like thy love-song, dies away! to bid farewell to their faithful member.</ref>

Heilbronn, 5 July 1926


Very great and heartfelt was the love and sympathy with the passing of my dear and unforgettable husband August Schneider, Senior Teacher.

We thank you for all the signs of compassion and comfort received this way.

In the name of the grieving bereaved:

Marie Schneider born. Sauber


Translations by Google and https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/user/Mauritz-15

Translator Notes:

Trauer-Anzeige is better translated as Obituary

"Marie Schneider born Sauber" is called Sauber, not Clean (even if that's a good translation of the name)

The funeral was at 3pm in front of the funeral home. (there was a typo that messed up the translation: "vom", "by" instead of "vorm", short for "vor dem", "in front of")

Senior teacher might be a better description for Mr. Schneider than head teacher, while Mrs. Metzger (I'm assuming Mrs. as back then Ms. would be Frl., Fräulein, not Fr., Frau) was "main teacher". Teachers in Germany tend to be public officers, and "Oberlehrer" is a higher rank, which mostly represents seniority.

The "+" after the name is supposed to be a cross, a sign for "deceased".

Oberl. is short for Oberlehrer, senior teacher.

mourning mendicant? google translate offers mourning community, which fits.

Parish priest Völter didn't write anything down, but held an eulogy based on the bible words as cited. He emphasized the deceased's modesty, love for the youth, and special sense for religion.

Goller was probably administrator for the local schools (ie. not working at the school itself). He also mentioned (which is missing the translation) that the deceased was a man worthy of the highest respect.

Kubach was Oberlehrer, just like Schneider (a typo in your transcription, probably), Göhring was school master and also represented the teacher's singing club, who sang "Silent sleeps the singer" to bid farewell to their faithful member.

Silent sleeps the singer: https://www.volksliederarchiv.de/stumm-schlaeft-der-saenger-dessen-ohr/ which is based on an english (scottish?) poem: https://www.poetrynook.com/poem/here-sleeps-bard

The last part is a thank you note by the widow, probably published in a newspaper that thanks for all the nice words and sympathy. They hope that it's enough to thank everybody through that venue (as opposed to individual thank you notes, by which they would inevitably miss somebody).

====== German ===============================

Heilbronn, 5. Juli 1926

Oststrasse 100

Trauer Anzeige Tieferschilttert teilen wir Verwanten und Bekannten die schmersliche Nachricht mit, dass mein lieber, treubesorgter Gatte, unser lieber Bruder und Schwager, mein lieber vaterlicher Freund August Schneider Oberlehrer durch einen jahen Tod und entrissen wurde

Jn tiefer Trauer: Marie Schneider geb. Sauber

Fr. Metzger Hauptlehrer in Weissbach.

Die Beerdigung findet an Montag, dan 5. Juli, nachu.3 Uhr vom Luichenhaus aus statt.

Oberlehrer August Schneider +. Gestern fruh starb unerwartet rasch Oberl. August Schneider in einem Alter von 60 Jahren. Der Verstorbene, der seit dem Jahre 1906 in Heilbronn und in den letzten 6 Jahren an der hiesigen Knabenmittelschule als Lehrer tatig war, zog sich gestern im Turnunterricht eine innere Verletzung (Nierenbruch) zu, die innere Blutungen zur Folge hatte. Eine Operation, die sofort vorgenommen wurde, hatte seinen Tod, der unmittelbar in einer Herzschwachebegrundet war, zur Folge. Der Verstorbene erfreute sich vorhereiner guten Gesundheit und war ein rastlos tatiger Lehrer, der sich dem Turnunterricht mit besonderer Freudigkeit widmete.

Beerdigung von Oberlehrer Schneider. Unter Belgeitung von einer grossen trauergomeinde wurde gestern Oberlehrer Schneider, dier so jah vom Tode hinweggerafft worden war, zu Grabe getragen. Nach einem Choralgesang des Lehrergesangvereins hielt Stadtpfarrer Volterdie Trauerrede, in welcher er an der Hand des Schriftwortes: "Selig sind die Knechte, die der Herr wachend findet, so er komt" | in anmutenden Strichen ein Charakterbild des Verstorbenen zeichnete, seine Besoheidenheit, seine Liebe zur Jugend, seinen fur das Religiose offenen Sinnbesonders betonend.Oberschulrat Goller widmete dem Hingegangener herrliche worte des Dankes fur seine 40jahrige treue und erspriessliche Arbeit. Er sei nicht nur ein tuchtiger und sehr strebsamer Lehrer, sondern auch mehrere Kranze niedergelegt: von Oberlchrer Kubach fur den Bezirkslehrerverein und Rektor Gohring fur den Lohrergesangverein, der sich mit dem Lied: "Stumm schluft der Sanger! von seinem treuen Mitglied verabschiedete.

Heilbronn, 5. Juli 1926


Ueberaus gross und von Herzen wohltuend war die Liebe und Anteilnahme bei dem so jahen Hinscheiden meines teuren unvergesslichen Gatten

August Schneider


Wir bitten, fur alle empfangenen Zeichen des Mitleidens und der Trostung auf diesom Wege danken zu durfen.

Jm Namen der trauernden Hinterbliebenen: Marie Schneider geb. Sauber

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