Category:Mary Hinderer

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Mary Elizabeth (Beth) Hinderer

Short Biography




1934 - Winfred Hinderer describes Beth this way:"Beth prefers to walk and carry the dinner buckets. She does most of the house work and seems to be doing quite well."

From Rene' Hinderer:Beth is E.P.’s daughter.(Mary Elizabeth – born July 24th, 1926.) “Young Beth had an ache and pain that didn't get treated soon enough. It turned out to be a ruptured appendix that took her life. Her mother Melinda never got over her death and ended up in Eastern State Hospital for the mentally ill over the situation. I believe she had tried to commit suicide.” Beth passed away September 3rd, 1938. She is buried in the Waterville Cemetery – Waterville, Douglas County, Washington, USA

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References <references/> Family Histories: Harms -- Jaus -- Lieske -- Hinderer -- Baur --

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