Category:Heinrich Friedrich Lieske

From CowTales

Heinrich (Henry) Friedrich Lieske
Baur - Jaus - Lieske History Binder - 040.jpg

Short Biography


*Aunt Myrtle

They farmed just west of the Lieske Homestead. Uncle Henry died in 1920 of Chronic Nephritis and Pulmonary Tuberculosis at age 45. Son Alfred took over the farming operation after the death of his father. Walter was killed in action in Europe while serving his country during WWII. Aunt Clara died in 1959 of Influenza and Pernicious Anemia.<ref>Lieske History</ref>

Related Links


References <references/> Family Histories: Harms -- Jaus -- Lieske -- Hinderer -- Baur --

Genealogy Sites

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Media in category "Heinrich Friedrich Lieske"

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