Category:Hannah Lieske

From CowTales

Hannah Maria Augusta Lieske Jaus
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Short Biography

Hannah Lieske was born in rural Henderson, MN and graduated from Henderson High School in 1911. She was a school teacher. Hannah became ill with chronic Leukemia in 1931.



Timeline of Life Events


  • Born June 1st



  • Died April 10th - victim of chronic leukemia after and illness of three years. age 41.


Myrtle Jaus

<ref>Lieske History</ref>

Hannah (our mother) received her education in the Henderson Public Schools. After completing three years of high school, she enrolled in the Normal Department in Henderson. Upon completer of this, students received a teacher's certificate which permitted them to teach in rural schools. They did not receive a diploma. Hannah graduated fro this course in 1910. She then chose to get her diploma from high school and graduated in 1911. She next attended the Normal Department at Winthrop, MN for one year, making her home with her sister Alvina. It was at this time that she and Olivia Schilling became good friends. Hannah taught in rural schools for seven years. She taught in Arlington, MN for two years, District 62, rural Gibbon, MN, for two years, and one year in Mankato, MN, after which she returned to District 62 in 1917 for two more years. While there, she met her future husband, Martin A. Jaus, who wa a dairy farmer in the area. They were married in 1919. Hanna was very involved in church and community affairs and was loved and respected by everyone. To this day people keep telling us what a wonderful, loving person our mother was. She became ill with Chronic Lymphatic Leukemia in 1931. She gave freely of herself even during her illness. She unselfishly offered herself as a guinea pig in hopes that any bit of information would eventually lead to the cure of this dreaded, fatal disease. She was thinking of future generations, even though she knew that nothing could be done for her. She died at age 41.

Lyla Jaus

From email: Interesting! Yes,......after moving to New Ulm met the Rodewalds....... .......And thru time found out Mrs. was a Lieske relative, and he had grown up in Moltke. Gene Rodewald told me that my mother had lived in their home when teaching in the small country school close to their farm. DMLC his Mom introduced herself when there for a concert and told me that my mother had lived with them and what a special person she was. My mother taught in a public school......a small one-room school....... close to them, about 2 miles from our farm, and about 2 miles West of the Moltke church and school.

I never got to know my mother and have a mental picture of only seeing her once in our home...I was at the bottom of the stairs doorway and she on the other side of the kitchen. Think I had the measles or something and was told not to get close to her.

Then remember being in the hosp. room in the Twin Cities when she was dying, us four kids knelt next to her bed and said the German evening prayer "Muede bin ich geh zur ruh, Schliese meine Augen zuh. Vater lass die Engelein, Ueber Meinen Bette sein.." She died, everyone wept except me since I didn't really understand what had transpired. Next thing I remember is the funeral service and us four kids sitting in front of the open casket throughout the service and several times the Funeral Director Gedsted lifted me up to look into the casket. In years past the caskets were kept open for the entire service and of course were in the front of the church..

Had only heard the Rodewald name a few years before moving to MN when I sent them a small donation to help with some legal help they were involved with to help Just...was he a Prof? and I think thru marriage there was some relationship to the Rodewalds'.

Another thing I have found thru the years is that the name Hannah was never a name given to the newborn, and now....really quite a few have that name.

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Johannah (Hannah) Maria Augusta Lieske was born in rural Henderson, MN on June 1, 1893, the ninth child of Ludwig and Amelia (Gabbert) Lieske. She received her education in public schools, and graduated from the Henderson High School in 1911. She attended Normal School in Winthrop, MN for two years, after which she taught in rural schools for seven years. She taught in Arlington in 1913 & 1914, District 62 north of Gibbon 1915 & 1916 (where she was paid $60 per month). In 1917 she taught in Mankato, MN, returning to District 62 in 1918, where she taught for two more years (receiving $65 and $70 a month respectively). While there she met her future husband, Martin A Jaus, a dairy farmer and butter-maker in the area.

They were married October 7th, 1919. There marriage was blessed with four children - one son (Roman) and three daughters (Marvel, Myrtle, Lyla). They continued farming. In partnership with Otto Jaus, a brother of Martin<ref>Martin A. Jaus</ref>, on the the farm homesteaded in 1878 by Martin Jaus Sr. A barn, which became an area landmark because of its size (with the name JAUS HOLSTEIN FARM emboldened with the roof tile that could be seen from a distance), was constructed in 1928. Hannah <ref>Hannah Lieske Jaus</ref> fed and housed 28 men that summer during the construction.

She was actively involved in church and community affairs until she became ill with chronic leukemia in 1931. She died April 10, 1935. Her unselfishness came to the fore even in her illness by being willing to try various forms of treatment not yet proven successful, in hopes that a future generation could benefit from what was being learned and tested with her.

1939 saw the beginning of a new life for Martin. His brother Herbert was hospitalized with encephalomyelitis, which required him to have private duty nurses. One of these nurses happened to capture the heart of Martin<ref>Martin A. Jaus</ref>. Her name was Olivia Schilling, a name well known to the Lieskes. Olivia and Hannah had become friends while Hannah attended school in Winthrop. Olivia and Martin were married December 21, 1941. Olivia organized the School of Practical Nurses at Union Hospital in New Ulm, MN in 1942, and continued as instructor of the school until 1944, the year Marvel<ref>Marvel Jaus Vorwerk</ref> was married. She then became a full-time homemaker. They retired to New Ulm in 1954. They were active in many facets of church life, and also enjoyed traveling to various corners of the world. Martin, <ref>Martin A. Jaus</ref> was a member of the Concord Singers in New Ulm, and continued to sing with the group until the time of his death in 1980, at age of 88. Olivia remained in her home until 1985, when she entered the Winthrop Care Center where she died in 1987 at the age of 93.

Bethany Baur

I'm a little fascinated by Hannah Lieske. A few years ago I talked briefly with the Rodewalds (sp?) from New Ulm and he told me that Hannah Lieske came to teach in the school and everyone just loved her because she was so happy and always smiling and very pretty and that Martin Jaus was the lucky one who married her. I'm not sure what the Rodewalds' connection is. Maybe someone here knows? I just remember thinking that she must have been an amazing person if people still remembered her and were talking about her!!

Lois L Bode

The school she taught in is still standing the same place, was turned into a home years ago, but for the past year no one has been living there. That school is about 3/4 mile east of our farm. We live across the road from the Uetzmann farm which is where Hannah stayed while teaching.

Related Links


References <references/> Family Histories: Harms -- Jaus -- Lieske -- Hinderer -- Baur --

Genealogy Sites

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