Category:Ernst Herman Lieske

From CowTales

Ernst (Earney) Herman Lieske
Baur - Jaus - Lieske History Binder - 040.jpg

Short Biography

Timeline of Life Events




Myrtle Jaus

Uncle Earney was called to serve his country in France during WWI, which created quite a hardship at home, The farming was now on the shoulders of George and Louie, who were still in their teens. Their three older brothers were farming adjoining farms and no doubt assisted their younger brothers. Charlie Schweiss, who was the same age as George, was hired at this time to assist with the farming. A letter, written to Earney by Louie in December of 1918, stated that they had just completed installing a Perfection milker which enabled George to do the miking by himself. He also wrote that "papa" was not able to work.

The homestead was turned over to Earney in 1924. The parents (Ludwig Lieske and Amelia Gabbert built a new retirement home on the farm in 1925 when Earney was married. Earney and his new bride resided in the old house. That original frame house with the two stairways to the upstairs always fascinated me. What fun it was to go up one and down the other. The back stairways was off a hallway leading to the summer kitchen. It was later replaced with a bathroom. Aunt Yetta must have helped Aunt Mandy during threshing time the summer of 1930, because I remember being overwhelmed bu all the men that had to be fed. These men all washed up outside in a basin, and then were all seated around several long tables in the hot summer kitchen. This must have been the summer of 1930 when I spent six weeks in Henderson, MN. Why else would I have been there? We certainly would not have been visiting during threshing time. Earney continued the farming and dairy business until 1951 when he formed a partnership with this son Karl. The farm was later taken over by Karl. Earney and Mandy continued to reside in their home on the farm the rest of their lives. Uncle Earney died at age 89 of Coronary Heart Disease in 1985. Aunt Mandy died of Congestive Heart Failure in 1993.

Uncle Earney must have been the "prankster" of the family. An adventurous individual? I think we all remember him as a big tease. I can just see him chuckling about the following incidents that our father, Martin A. Jaus, related to Roman in later years. Uncle Earney was to pick up his future brother-in-law during the night at the train stop several miles away. It was only a stop inn the wilderness - no depot. Uncle Earney made it a point to e several house late, leaving Martin to sit out in the open, in the middle of the night, where he could hear the wolves howling. At another time the two were walking in the woods, and Uncle Earney grabbed a twig and pulled it back, letting it snap just when Martin was passing by. His reply to this? "Just think how much that would have hurt if I had not held it." Knowing our father, I'm sure he retaliated.

Dorrie Peterson Fleischer 9:36pm Feb 3 Aunt Mandy was my grandma's sister, and Uncle Ernie (Ernst) Lieske was my grandpa's uncle. I remember them both well. So she was my great Aunt, but he was my great, great uncle. They lived on the next farm to my grandparents just west of Henderson. My mom is Dorothy Lieske Peterson. She is the 3rd youngest of 8 daughters of Alfred and Esther (Nagel) Lieske. ---

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References <references/> Family Histories: Harms -- Jaus -- Lieske -- Hinderer -- Baur --

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