Category:Emily Emma Lieske

From CowTales

Emily Emma Lieske
Baur - Jaus - Lieske History Binder - 040.jpg

Short Biography

Timeline of Life Events




Myrtle Meyer:

They farmed in Arlington Township, MN, several miles west of the church. They had no children. For some reason we usually attended the birthday get-togethers for Uncle Art. We loved to play upstairs in their house. Roman remembers an incident that happened when everybody had gathered at the Greenhagen home for a Sunday dinner. Dressed in their "church clothes", he and [[[Karl Lieske]] decided to go exploring outside. As was frequently done, Uncle Art's straw pile served as a shelter for pigs. A crude wooden shelter was put up, and at threshing time the straw was blown onto this shelter. A small opening was then made to this pen underneath, and the pigs had a well insulated shelter for the winter. Cows also loved these straw piles in summer to brush off the flies. Before long they had the straw pile looking like a mushroom. That summer Uncle Art had simply blown the new straw pile on top of what was left of the old one. This left a tunnel where the cows had walked the precious summer. The pigs soon found this tunnel, and while walking in it had naturally left their calling cards behind. This tunnel is what Karl and Roman explored, pig manure and all. They did not smell, nor look, like roses when they emerged, but they had fun. I can well imagine the reaction of their mothers.

Aunt Emily sold the farm and moved into Arlington, MN after Uncle Art did of Cebral Hemmorrhage in 1976. At the time of her sale she told Marvel that she was so happy that the house would finally have some children in it.

I believe she must have had some circulatory problems, because she developed Stasis Ulcers on both legs, which then turned Gangrenous. She died of Septicemia in 1983.

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References <references/> Family Histories: Harms -- Jaus -- Lieske -- Hinderer -- Baur --

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