Albert L. and Emelie Gabbert Lieske 50th Wedding Anniversary

From CowTales

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Albert Lieske 50th Wedding Anniversary

Mr. and Mrs A. L. Lieske request your presence at the celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of their marriage at St. John’s Lutheran Church, Arlington Township on Thanksgiving Day, November twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred twenty four in connection with the morning worship beginning at ten A.M.

Reception at the house at noon.

Respected Old Residents Celebrate Golden Wedding

Home of A. L. Lieske, in Henderson Township, Scene of Large Gathering of Relatives and Friends on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 27. (1924)

On Thanksgiving day the A. L. Lieske home, three miles west of Henderson, was the scene of a large and happy gathering, when Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lieske celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage. It marked a epoch of fifty years of the love and faithful companionship.

After the morning worship at the St. John’s Lutheran Church, Arlington Township, the Jubilee pair were led to the altar by their youngest sons Louis and George. The a Duet, "Bis Hieher Hat Mich Gott Gebracht.” was sung by the Misses Amanda Nagel of Arlington and Ella Lieske of Kasota, followed by a short talk by Rev. Earnst Sprengler. After the ceremony the invited guests partook of a sumptuous dinner at the the home of the couple. About 235 immediate relatives and friends being present. The dining hall and rooms were artistically decorated as gold and white Chrysanthemums and gold and white streamers.

In the afternoon a short program was rendered. Rev. Heidmann of Arlington read a poem which he had especially prepared for the occasion. The grand-children then congratulated the aged couple and spoke appropriate poems and pieces, and showed their appreciation for the love and kindness their grand-parents had shown them.

Luncheon was served at six in the evening, after which the couple was surprised by the Henderson Band who came out and royally entertained them and their guests with appropriate music and singing for about an hour, which was appreciated by all present.

At eleven o’clock hot coffee was served after which the guests departed, wishing the ‘bride and groom” many more happy years of married life and that they may be here all together to celebrate their diamond wedding. The guests agree that they had one of the most enjoyable time of their lives.

Mr. Lieske was born in Germany in 1853 and came to Henderson in 1856 where he grew to manhood on the farm now known as Coverdale Stock Farm which he owned and operated since 1874.

Mrs. Lieske whose maiden name was Emelie Gabbert was born in Tyrone Township, Le Sueur County, in 1856, where she grew to womanhood.

They were united in marriage, November 27th, 1874, in a little log church three miles west of Henderson. After their marriage they took immediate possession of the old homestead which has been their home ever since. They are still enjoying the best of health and are still taking an active part in the management of their farm. They have been actively engaged in farming for fifty years together.

The union was blessed with twelve children, six boys and six girls of whom eleven are living, namely : Mrs August Melius, of Winthrop: Mrs. M. A. Jaus, of Gibbon; Mrs. Arthur Gruenhagen, of Arlington; Mrs. William Bergsmith, of Superior, WI; Fred A. and Albert G. who own and operated the adjoining farms, and Earney, Louis, George, Henrietta and Rose who are still at home. The oldest son, Henry F. Died four years ago. The eleven children and 19 grandchildren all were present at this rare occasion.

The happy pair were the recipients of many handsome and costly gifts from their relatives and friends.

Those who attended this rare occasion were: Mrs. Henry Arbogast and daughters Lillian and Catherine; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hanzal and family. The Misses Helen and Loraine Matzat, all of St. Paul; Mr. and Mrs. Christ Forrer, of Minneapolis; Mrs. Samuel Gabbert, Mr. and Mrs. William Gabbert and daughters Myrtle and Lillian of Willmar; Mr. and Mrs. G. Hensel. Mrs. Fred Gabbert and children Emil and Frieda. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gabbert and family, all of Howard Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kuhlmann of Lester Prairie; Mr. and Mrs. William Ernst of Buffalo; Mr. and Mrs. Behnke and Mr. and Mrs. William Sandmann and family of Wenster; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gabbert, of Duluth, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Reese and children Sadie and Harry, Mr. and Mrs. William Bergsmith and daughters Irene and Phylis. Mr. and Mrs. Max Roefke, all of Superior, WI.; Miss Anna Brandt of Bruno, WI; Miss Ella Lieske of Kasota; Mrs. George Kuehner. Mr. Herman Warnke and children Ralph and Cora, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maurer and daughter Arleen of Gaylord; Mr. and Mrs. August Melius and children Stella, George, Elmer, and Louis, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Raeth and family of Winthrop; Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hays, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Jaus, of Gibbon; Mrs. M. F. Abraham and daughters Clara and Ruth and Mr. A. Sherrer of Young America; Rev. and Mrs. Heidman and children Meta and Karl, of Arlington; and the members of the St. John’s Ladies’ Aid and their families of which organization Mrs. Lieske has been an active member since its organization. And immediate relatives and friends in the vicinity of Henderson.

Fifty years of smiles and tears,
Fifty years of hopes and fears;
Fifty years of work and play,
And now there comes this golden day,
When from the past sweet memories call,
When love has triumphed over all.

source:James Baur collection. The Baur/Jaus "God's Word is our Great Heritage" binder by Lyla Jaus Baur. <references/> source:James Baur collection. The Baur/Jaus "God's Word is our Great Heritage" binder by Lyla Jaus Baur.